Buy Cheap Tramadol If you are interested in putting together a River Classroom program for a group, please email us: education@gundalow.org. We also offer field trip opportunities.
https://danivoiceovers.com/pe0lyse Each spring and fall we offer several afterschool programs and multi-week mini courses.
https://www.elevators.com/gow0t2sg May 3 – May 28
Getting Creative by the Coast – Tuesdays 12:00-3:00
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Purchase Tramadol Visa Sketch the coastline from the Gundalow, make jewelry from things found along the shoreline, create colorful abstract nature prints, and much more. Utilizing nature for inspiration, we will work with multiple different mediums to capture the essence of the coast and the organisms that live there. (Middle School and Upper Elementary)
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https://www.mbtn.net/?p=grqj2n96g Grades 2-5
go to site Learn about the shore and the creatures that live there. We will be looking for invasive species, doing water quality testing, using microscopes and more! We will even be designing and performing our own science experiments!
https://www.mreavoice.org/mayhg0qftl Stepping Into Our Past
https://penielenv.com/g0zi77m Friday 9:00-12:00 Grades 1-4
go to site Friday 12:30-3:30 Grades 3-6
https://purestpotential.com/liaguddk We will be exploring Portsmouth’s local history and all things Gundalow. Why were Gundalow’s built here? We will be reliving the past through activities such as roleplaying, short discussions, and visiting historical locations. Get ready for some Gundalow Fun
https://lpgventures.com/rugd3ded Afterschool Adventure
https://getdarker.com/editorial/articles/g4jp3qe6mc Tues 4:00-6:00 Grades 1-4
click Wed 4:00-6:00 Grades K-2
Tramadol Online Cod Friday 4:00-6:00 Grade 2-5
We are designing our programs to maximize safety, promote outdoor student learning, and provide new opportunities for students. These programs will operate primarily outside in small groups of 5-12 students* and will welcome both NH and ME residence. Most programs run for 4 week session. You are welcome to sign up for back to back programs on the same day. All programs will use our facilities in Prescott Park and at Creek Farm in Portsmouth.
- We need a minimum of 5 students to run a program – please help us spread the word about these new programs! There is funding available for individual students in need. Please contact us for more information.
** See our Program Covid-19 Guidelines to see the safety precautions we have in place for this spring – THESE MAY BE UPDATED BASED ON THE STATE OF THE PANDEMIC. Below are a few highlights from these guidelines:
Programs will be run outside as much as possible
Masks are required inside and whenever we are unable to maintain social distancing
Programs are open to NH and ME students. If you are coming from elsewhere, please contact us for more details
We will do a short health check up arrival and take students temperatures
We have developed extensive cleaning procedures before, during and after camp to ensure everyone’s safety
In the case of a positive COVID-19 case in any staff, student or someone who has been in direct contact with a staff member or student, we will follow state guidelines and may need to stop operation of our programs.