After careful consideration, we are moving our camp program from a full day to a half day program. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause your family, but it is the best way for us to offer a safe and fun program this summer.
General Guidelines:
- get link Groups of 10 total: 8 campers, 2 staff
- Additional staff may interact with multiple groups if they are mandatory for the running of specific portions of the program and they maintain 6 feet of social distancing. This includes boat drivers.
- source url Each camp group will interact only with their own camp group
- see All adults visiting or dropping children off at day camp should wear a cloth face covering over their nose and mouth when at the day camp facility or public spaces where other individuals are present when social distancing is not possible.
- Camp will be run outside as much as possible
- get link Staff and children should practice frequent hand hygiene
- Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
- get link Alcohol-based hand sanitizer should be made readily available to staff and older children and should be carried by staff at all times.
- Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
- Supervise and help young children to ensure they are washing/sanitizing hands correctly, and to prevent swallowing of alcohol-based hand sanitizer. When soap and water are not readily available and hand sanitizer is used with children, it should be used under the direct supervision of staff. When not in use, hand sanitizer should be kept out of reach of children (on a high shelf, cabinet, or in a backpack worn by staff outside).
- At a minimum, require hand hygiene when arriving at the day camp; when entering a facility; before and after meals or snacks; before and during meal preparation or handling food; after outside time; before and after going to the bathroom; before and after medication administration; after cleaning up and handling any garbage; before and after coming into contact with any child or staff member; after sneezing, coughing, or nose blowing; after using shared equipment; and prior to leaving for home.
- enter site Advise children and staff to avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
- go Cover coughs or sneezes with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash and clean hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer (if soap and water are not readily available). Alternatively, cough or sneeze into elbows.
- Children and staff should be reminded to maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from others whenever possible.
- Buy Cheap Tramadol Cod When possible, each group or individual will get their own supply of equipment to run their own activities. This includes individual lifejackets, etc
- Each group will get its own supply of arts & craft supplies. Campers may select to bring their own set up art supplies to camp to keep in their backpack for the week.
- 100Mg Tramadol Online Games and activities should be designed to allow for social distancing. Modifications may be made to traditional games and activities to ensure camper safety.
- Any shared equipment/supplies will need to be cleaned and disinfected after usage
- Buying Tramadol From India Campers and staff should be screened daily on arrival to the day camp by asking if the individual:
- a. Has any symptoms of COVID-19 (see Universal Guidelines for list of potential symptoms) or fever of 100.4 degrees F or higher.
- b. Has had any close contact with someone who is suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 in the past 14 days.
- c. Traveled in the past 14 days either:
- Internationally (outside the U.S.),
- By cruise ship, or
- Domestically (within the U.S.) outside of NH, VT, or ME on public transportation (e.g., bus, train, plane, etc.).
- Person(s) with any COVID-19 symptoms, those who report close contact with someone suspected or confirmed with COVID-19, or those reporting travel risk factors should not be allowed into the day camp
- Symptomatic persons should be instructed to contact their health care provider to be tested for COVID-19 and self-isolate at home following the instructions below.
- Asymptomatic persons reporting close contact with someone suspected or confirmed with COVID-19, or who report one of the traveled-related risk factors should self-quarantine for 14 days from their last exposure or return from travel.
- Person(s) with suspect or confirmed COVID-19 must stay out of day camp until symptom-based criteria are met for discontinuation of isolation:
- At least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared i. AND
- At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recovery (recovery is defined as resolution of fever off any fever reducing medications plus improvement in other symptoms)
- Any person that develops symptoms of COVID-19 while at the day camp should be masked if they are over 2 years of age, removed from contact with others into an appointed sick area, and be immediately sent home.
- If there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 at a camp, the facility should contact: The Bureau of Infection Disease Control (BIDC) at 603-271-4496.
Camper Guidelines:
- Campers must bring a mask to camp with them and will be asked to wear a mask when we are unable to maintain social distancing (such as retrieving items from inside).
- Day camp attendees are restricted to children who are New Hampshire residents or out of state campers who have met a 14 day quarantine requirement
- Keep each child’s belongings separated and in individually labeled storage containers, cubbies, or areas; take belongings home each day.
- Campers and staff need to bring their own water bottles and food. No shared water jugs.
- Campers who do not follow recommendations will be given a reminder and then may be asked to sit out during an activity. Campers who continue to disregard rules and staff instruction may be asked to leave camp.
Staff Guidelines:
- Staff must wear a mask when they are unable to maintain social distancing around campers and other staff.
- Staff must be recruited from and be residents of New Hampshire or out of state staff who have met a 14 day quarantine requirement
- Staff will implement additional cleaning and disinfecting procedures throughout the day and will maintain camper and staff personal gear to keep it separated.
- Staff must be provided with education and training around safe practices as it relates to hand hygiene, sanitation (cleaning and disinfection policies), and illness policies outlined in the NH Universal Guidelines.
- Day camp staff must be screened for symptoms or risk factors of COVID-19 before the start of each day as outlined below in Business Process Guidance and in the NH Universal Guidelines.
- Require all staff to report any symptoms of COVID-19 or close contact to a person with COVID-19 to supervisor.
Cleaning and Disinfecting Guidelines:
- Review and follow CDC guidance on cleaning and disinfecting.
- Review and follow CDC guidance on creating a plan if staff or children become sick:
- Be ready to follow CDC guidance on how to disinfect your building or facility if someone is sick.
- If a sick child has been isolated in your facility, clean and disinfect surfaces in your isolation room or area after the sick child has gone home.
- If COVID-19 is confirmed in a child or staff member:
- Close off areas used by the person who is sick.
- Open outside doors and windows to increase air circulation in the areas.
- Wait up to 24 hours or as long as possible before you clean or disinfect to allow respiratory droplets to settle to reduce the risk to individuals cleaning.
- Clean and disinfect all areas used by the person who is sick, such as offices, bathrooms, and common areas.
- If more than 7 days have passed since the person who is sick visited or used the facility, additional cleaning and disinfection is not necessary.
- Continue routine cleaning and disinfection.
- All cleaning materials should be kept secure and out of reach of children.
- Develop a schedule for cleaning and disinfecting. Perform frequent cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces, including door handles, equipment, surfaces, outdoor playground equipment, etc. Areas will be cleaned and disinfected throughout the day, including anytime a group exits an area (indoors or outdoors) where they have used tables, chairs etc.
- Increase the frequency with which you clean and disinfect toys, equipment, and surfaces, especially doorknobs, check-in counters, and restrooms. All equipment and supplies will be cleaned and disinfected after use
- If groups are moving from one area to another, cleaning measures must becompleted prior to the new group entering this area.
- Staff cleaning should follow the disinfectant manufacturer’s instructions:
- Use the proper concentration of disinfectant.
- Maintain the disinfectant for the required wet contact time.
- Follow the product label hazard warnings and instructions for personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, eye protection, and adequate ventilation.
- Disinfectant use indoors should occur in a well ventilated space. Extensive use of disinfectant products should be done when children are not present and the facility or area should be thoroughly aired out before children return.
- Day camps must have a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for each chemical used in the facility.
- Disinfectants and other cleaning supplies are the responsibility of the day camp to have available.
Modifications to Camp Procedures
Programs Aboard the Gundalow
- Programs will be limited to 1 time/week aboard the Gundalow
- Campers will board with the camp staff and remain with these staff during the duration. Any additional crew and the Captain will maintain at least 6 feet of distance as much as possible.
- Campers and staff will follow all update procedures aboard the gundalow.
- We use several bathrooms that may be open to the public. Prior to each use, and between use by each camper, our staff will clean the high touch areas in the bathroom.
- Our campers often change clothes throughout the day, however this year we encourage our campers to come dressed for the day.
Small boats
- Camp staff will disinfect small boats between use
- Campers and staff will maintain 6 feet of distance when possible in small boats including motorboats, kayaks, rowboats and sailboats
Pick up /drop off
- Camp start times will be slightly staggered to minimize interactions.
- Parents, campers and staff must all wear masks during pick up and drop off
- A camp staff will meet each camper at their car for a brief health inspection as detailed above. Camp staff will record the information and escort campers to their camp group
- During pick up, parents will drive up with their child’s name on a sign and a camp staff will walk each camper to their car.
Snacks and Lunch
- Campers and staff should wash their hands before and after eating
- All snacks and lunch will take place outside maintaining 6 feet of distance
Sunscreen and Bug Spray
- Campers must bring and apply their own sunscreen and bug spray