Gundalow Campers’ Dad Invents Clever and Fun Board Game for Rainy and Sunny Days! Kevin Trainer, whose kids spent many happy weeks at Gundalow Company’s summer camps, heard from them that Gundalow staff were looking for activities that the children could do indoors when the weather is bad. “As an avid board gamer myself, the idea of a creating a historical board game about gundalows that would be fun and educational was irresistible,” says Kevin. Initially, his plan was to make just a few rough copies using cardstock and simple components that the campers could use. But it turns out that campers and staffers were having so much fun at playing Gundalow: The Board Game of Trade and Adventure that Kevin decided to make it commercially available. In GUNDALOW, each player is the captain of his/her own gundalow, earning money by trading goods and transporting passengers to the towns on Great Bay and the Piscataqua River. Players sail between towns on a board that uses a historical map of Seacoast New Hampshire. Kevin is donating a percentage of sales to Gundalow Co.