News & Events

Youth Apprenticeship Program   Our apprenticeship program is a specially designed opportunity for youth ages 15 years and older. During our sailing season, each apprentice becomes part of the ship’s crew and participates in caring for the Gundalow, working with the Captain and crew while underway, and supporting our education programs. While every apprentice will gain sailing, teaching and boat maintenance experience, we also offer apprentices the option to pursue their own interests within our organization. After acceptance into the apprentice program we will work to develop an individual plan. The apprentice program lasts a minimum of 5 days and costs $50. Each […]

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Homeschool Homeschool Program on the Gundalow Step aboard the Gundalow and head out on the Piscataqua River for an exciting 2.5 hour sail. While onboard, participants will set the sail, steer the vessel, learn to navigate, tow for plankton, and explore the human impact on our watershed. This program is geared towards students ages 7 and up. Available dates: Tuesday, May 10th 1:00 – 3:30pm Friday, May 13th 1:00 – 3:30pm Tuesday, June 14th 1:00 – 3:30pm Cost: $13 for students and $10 for adults Pre-registration is required – please sign up with the button below. If you have questions email: […]

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Summer Camps for Kids

click River Kids! Join the Crew of the Gundalow for our Summer Day Camps. Read about the River Rats, Crew for a Day, and Summer Field Trips on out Summer Camps page.

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Join us for the gundalow Piscataqua’s first York Harbor visit! The gundalow Piscataqua will be making its first visit to York Harbor August 17th to 18th.  One-hour public sails will depart from Edwards Harborside Inn dock at 2:00 PM on both dates.  Tickets are $20 per adult and $10 for children under 13.  Click here to purchase your tickets! Parking is available on Clark’s Lane, Moulton Park, next to St. Georges Church.

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Special Sails: Speaker Series

click This is an archive of our 2015 series. Please browse our “Upcoming Events” for the most recent sails and events for the current season.

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Special Sails: Music on the Piscataqua Join us for sunset sails with local musicians. Times vary — bring a picnic and join the fun! Click to download PDF of schedule.

Experience the Natural Beauty of Great Bay by Gundalow: Aug. 10 & Sept. 19

Ralph Morang Photography

enter The gundalow Piscataqua will be sailing from Adams Point in Durham, NH on August 10th and September 19th.  You will be able to experience the unique natural beauty of the Great Bay from the historic gundalow. Click here to purchase tickets.  

Open Ship times – Tour the Gundalow while Dockside at no Charge The gundalow Piscataqua will be open free to the public for dockside tours at the Prescott Park dock on most Saturdays from 12:30 to 3:00 pm  All ages are welcome onboard to learn about the vessel as well as the maritime history and environment of Piscataqua region. Get your hands wet at interactive, hands-on learning stations.  Please call us to confirm exact dates and times.

Wooden Boat Magazine Tells the Story of the New Piscataqua

see “Piscataqua, A New Gundalow for New Hampshire” | Wooden Boat Magazine #233, July/August 2013, by Jenny Bennett The whole neighborhood, it seemed, had come out to watch. Slowly but surely, the tractor-trailer inched its long, heavy load down the narrow street, around impossibly tight corners, and at last onto the bridge that led to Peirce Island and the launching ramp. It was a happy, excited crowd of onlookers. Some were little more than curious passers-by, but many had waited for this moment with passion and patience for a decade or longer. This short journey from building yard to riverside was the culmination […]

Gundalow Gatherings 2015 Tickets on Sale NOW! Join us for our 4th annual Gundalow Gatherings Fundraising event on Saturday, April 25 at 6PM.  A delightful evening of food, drink & maritime conversation, in support of the Gundalow Company’ education programs. Each year, the nonprofit Gundalow Company hosts over 100 field trips for over 2,000 students on our floating classroom. The Gundalow Gatherings Fundraiser helps make our programs accessible to all students regardless of their ability to pay.  Please join us on April 25 to show your support! Tickets are $75 per person ($50 of which is tax deductible). Just decide which dinner you would like to attend, from the list below, and purchase your ticket by […]

Contact Us

click Gundalow Company
60 Marcy Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801
(603) 433-9505
Directions | Email Us

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