ON BEHALF OF NEWBURYPORT BANK President and CEO Lloyd Hamm donated $10,000 as the lead corporate sponsor of Gundalow Company’s ‘Piscataqua Riverfest 2022’ special event, to be held Saturday, June 4th, in partnership with Strawbery Banke Museum. The bank’s locations include Amesbury, Dover, Exeter, Hampton, Newbury, Newburyport, Portsmouth and Salisbury. TRAVELLIN’ MAN As of this writing (April 2022), Lloyd and his wife had just returned from a two-week trip to France. Lloyd has visited every state of the U.S. and all Canadian provinces, as well as the Arctic Circle, the Equator, and 76 countries. In the not-too-distant future, he’ll be […]
Booking now for the upcoming sailing season from Memorial Day weekend through mid-October https://www.gundalow.org/sail-with-us/private-charters/
It is with a heavy heart that I send along the news that CAPT Howard Crosby, USN (Ret) passed away on 16 April. Howard and his wife Phylis were great supporters of ours and his spirit will live on in our mission. I only had the great pleasure of meeting him on several occasions when I first arrived and we quickly found the common ground of four years spent at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD. Although we were of different generations, the alumni thread runs deep and our shared experiences made that common connection special. CAPT Crosby spent his […]
Luminous Seas with Brian Skerry Friday April 8th at 7pmVirtual World Oceans Experiences During his 24-year career as a National Geographic magazine photographer, Brian Skerry’s work has evolved from a purely natural history focus to highlighting problems in the ocean and illustrating solutions. With Luminous Seas, Brian takes us on assignment with him into the sea and guides us through his storytelling journey. His artistic interpretation of issues such as overfishing, climate change and endangered species combined with celebratory treatment of animals like sharks (giving them a ‘makeover’) and showing the value of marine protection, provides visual context for the […]
Learn more https://www.gundalow.org/sail-with-us/public-sails/
“I have always loved being outdoors, and I love the ocean,” says Jess. “But maybe above all, I love being a part of conservation work and place-based outdoors education, seeing the reactions of the kids as they experience new things, be it a lobster under a rock or learning why the color of the sea is blue. They’re so curious and enthusiastic. Our camp headquarters along the shoreline at Creek Farm in Portsmouth is pretty spectacular. I love being there, and I love what I do.” LEARN MORE https://www.gundalow.org/jess-ohrenberger/
Sail like a local in Portsmouth Harbor! Afternoons. Sunset sails. Concert cruises. Charter sails LEARN MORE https://www.gundalow.org/sail-with-us/public-sails/
Newburyport Bank has donated $10,000 as the lead corporate sponsor of Gundalow Company’s upcoming Piscataqua Riverfest special event, to be held Saturday, June 4th, in partnership with Strawbery Banke Museum. The daylong family-oriented affair will include food and beverages, a boat show, games, face-painting, educational exhibits, and much more. “We are very pleased to be an avid supporter of Gundalow Company and its historic sailing vessel, the gundalow PISCATAQUA, which deftly blend environmental science with the history and maritime heritage of the Greater Seacoast communities to provide a relevant educational experience for the benefit of persons of all ages,” said […]