Inspiring the next generation of ocean stewards!
go site Middle and high school students from around the world are invited to compete in the 2015 Ocean Awareness Student Contest. The theme “Our Oceans, Our Plastic” allows you to explore and interpret the connections among the ocean, plastic pollution, society, and you.
see Tramadol 100Mg Online Overnight This is an interdisciplinary contest that weaves together ocean awareness, creativity, and advocacy. Advocacy means taking a stand for something you believe in. It requires problem-solving skills, creativity, communication skills, assertiveness, and most of all, knowing when to call the world to action. source link While learning from science, history, and personal experience will inform your entry, there is no “right” way to do advocacy. Use your creativity to make a work of art, writing, or film that creates a new generation of ocean stewardship! For more information click here.