Round Island Regatta Photo credits: Ralph Morang, Eric Nickerson, Tom Brown, and Ned Thompson

The 15th Annual Round Island Regatta is scheduled for August 9th, 2025! 12:23 high water

Course Courses will be described at the sail and paddle skipper’s meetings prior. Sailors will go between one and three times around Round Island and the marks set by the race committee.

follow Rowers and paddlers will have the option of doing the standard twice around Round Island Course (1 mile) or the longer Lady Isle course (1.9 miles), also starting and finishing near the Peirce Island Ramp.


  • Sail Class — all trailer-able sailboats
  • Lady Isle long course– optional for experienced rowers and paddlers
  • Youth Paddler Class (ages 13 and under)
  • Single Paddler (ages 14+, paddle and oar)
  • Multi-Paddlers (all paddle and oar craft with two or more people)
Stand up paddle boards are considered boats by the USCG and the State of NH.  Accordingly, all persons using a SUP are required to carry a wearable life jacket onboard while paddling.  The Marine Patrol also reminds boaters/paddlers that anyone 12 years of age and under must be wearing their life jacket at all times while aboard any type of boat/SUP.

click “Round Island” Regatta course—Starting near the South End Yacht Club, leave Round Island and both race marks (here labeled SE and NW) to PORT for two loops before heading to the finish.

enter site 3000 ft / ½ nautical mile each loop, total around 1 mile. follow site “Lady Isle” Regatta course— Starting near the South End Yacht Club, leave Round Island to PORT, pass under the New Castle Ave Bridge, leave Lady Isle (AKA Belle Isle) to PORT, and return through the bridges by the shortest route. 2.15 land miles/ 1.86 nautical miles follow site No handicaps, no protests and skippers are solely responsible
for the safety of their crews and boats. see 2025 Fifteenth Annual Round Island Regatta follow link High Water 12:23 pm

go site Saturday August 9th

source link Peirce Island Boat Ramp

see url 11:00am: Event setup 11:30am-1:00pm: Bracelet and number pickup enter at the Peirce Island Boat Ramp 12:30pm: Sailboat Skippers Meeting @Peirce Ramp, then launch Class 1 Sail start go here on the water

Buy Cheapest Tramadol Online 12:45pm: Great Little Gundalow Derby on the dock

follow 12:50pm: Youth paddle class skippers meeting and start

Cheap Tramadol Online Overnight Delivery 1:00pm: Paddle and Oar Skippers Meeting, All Paddle classes @Peirce Ramp

source site First: Lady Isle rowers and paddlers start

enter Second: Round Island rowers and paddlers start 1:45pm: Awards Picnic at Four Tree Island

Free parking and boat launch is available from Peirce Island for all registered participants wearing bracelets. Portable toilets will be at the ramp, as well as public restrooms on Four Tree Island. For Spectators, there will be commentary near the ramp.

The 14th running of Round Island Regatta saw many familiar faces and had near-perfect weather with sun and a westerly breeze. Sailors cast off first from the Peirce Island ramp to do three laps of the island. Meanwhile, kids worked to build 6″ gundalow models to float in the “Great Little Gundalow Derby” upstream on the rising tide, and everyone received a small prize.

Next a small pack of 6 to 10 year olds set out for the kids kayak race, which was won this year by Izzy Kovick. Paddlers and rowers set off next, and the long paddle course of 2.1 miles around both Round Island and Lady Isle was won by Chris Carragher of Seacoast Paddleboard Club, closely followed by kayaker Kyle Whitehead. First on the shorter 1.2 mile course was Carolyn Skinder in a kayak followed by the first paddleboarder, Anna Folz.The multi-paddle class included a family of 6 in three double kayaks, and was won by Jeremy and Zeke Robbins.
The sailing race was won for the second year by Mary Hufty and Per Lorentzen in a 14′ Merry Mac.
Competitors continued the celebration across the bridge at Piscataqua Riverfest with food, drinks, and an awards ceremony. This year’s costume prize went to Lisa and Leah Kromer and their dog, all on a paddleboard, and the 2024 Sportsmanship trophy went to Amy Kovick, a Portsmouth teacher who has brought her 4th grade students sailing on  Cheapest Tramadol Piscataqua for many years.

The 13th Annual Round Island Regatta was held on August 18th, 2023. Thank you to Mayor McEachern for his remarks on the city’s 400th anniversary and to all the spirited competitors!

2023 Round Island Regatta Winners
Lady Isle Long Course:
1st Andrew Martin, Outrigger canoe
2nd Marta Downing, Stand up Paddleboard
3rd Susanna von Oettingen, Kayak
4th Matthew Kane, Mary Kane, double kayak
Chris Snow, first rower
Round Island Regatta Course:
1st Chris Northrop, kayak
Freja Carlson, first under 18 kayak
Mark Kromer and Eli, first paddleboard
Greg Ewing, first canoe
Round Island Sailors:
1st Mary Hufty, Per Lorentzen in a Merry Mac
2nd James Crane in a Laser
3rd Stephen Kosacz in a Laser
4th Ben Gamari in a Frosty
Sportsmanship and Costume Prize:
Lisa Kromer, Leah, and Cooper the dog on a Paddleboard
Youth Paddle Class:
Jamie R
Leo K
Logan K
Sam K
Photos by Michael Sterling can be found here:

Spectators at the 12th annual Round Island regatta were treated to a waterway full of vessels ranging in size from kids kayaks and a six foot sailboat to a six person dory and a twenty one foot, lug rigged schooner. In between, there were all manner of kayaks, paddleboards, Merry Mac catboats, Piscataqua wherries, and other craft navigated by youth, adults, and one dog. The award picnic saw many familiar Gundalow friends on the prize podium.

The day started with the Great Little Gundalow Derby from the Peirce island dock as kids let their 6” model gundalows ride the tide. Next, the sailors headed out in the still flooding current in the 6-8 knot breeze. Once they cleared the starting line the larger fleet of paddlers went next, followed by a good number of rowers in traditional craft, some choosing the short course around Round Island and others continuing on past the 1B bridge for the Lady Isle course.

The first two solo paddlers back on the long course were regular competitors Nick Brown (a gundalow builder) and Jeff Oullette, and for the short course, Caroline Carroll followed by Chris Northrop. For multiple rowers on the long course, Molly Bolster (Gundalow Company director emeritus) and her husband Jeff took the prize rowing their peapod side by side. On the short course it was Peter Yost and Martin Smith in a double kayak.

Meanwhile, the sailing race saw exciting lead changes as competitors played the back channel wind and currents. In the end Rachel and Per Lorentzen took first (and also the Sportsmanship award) in their large Sea Pearl after doing a fourth lap in a race that only required three. They were followed by the first Merry Mac sailed by Mary Hufty and Dan Alegria, and then Ben Gamari in a tiny Cape Cod Frosty. The Gundalow Company thanks our generous sponsors along with all competitors and volunteers who made the annual celebration possible.

1st Paddler, Long course Nick Brown
2nd Paddler, Long course Jeff Oullette
1st Paddler, Short Course Caroline Carroll
2nd Paddler, Short Course Chris Northrop
Multiple Paddlers, Short Course Peter Yost and Martin Smith
1st Multiple Rowers, Long Course Jeff and Molly Bolster
2nd Multiple Rowers, Long Course Larry and Vickie O’Brien
1st Sail (Sea Pearl schooner) Per & Rachel Lorentzen
2nd Sail (Merry Mac) Mary Hufty Daniel Alegría
3rd Sail (Cape Cod Frosty) Ben Gamari
Sportsmanship Award Per & Rachel Lorentzen

Photos by Michael Sterling

Small boat regatta held to celebrate local waterways

Rowers, paddlers, and sailors converged on Peirce Island for the Gundalow Company’s 11th annual Round Island Regatta on August 7th, and the competition was tight at the finish but always friendly. The event started off with the “Great Little Gundalow Derby” with kids between one and six years old floating simple models they had assembled and decorated, powered by the tide.

The sailors started next in the light southerly breeze, and initially had trouble making progress against the still flooding tide. River eddies affected them as much as the models, and there were several exciting lead changes as they circled Round Island. Meanwhile, both single and double-handed rowboats started, followed by paddlers competing in the long course (around Round and Lady Isles) and the short course (twice around Round Island).

Line honors went to a Piscataqua Wherry built for the 1976 bicentennial, rowed by Bruce Folz and Megan Glenn with two young passengers. First in the longer Lady Isle course was a speedy sliding seat shell rowed by Catherine Saarela, and the first kayaker on that course was Jock Dyer (for the second year). Jocelyn Hawe was the first paddler to finish the short course. And for the sailors, Charlie Doane and Clare O’Brien edged out last year’s winner in a Merry Mac with their much smaller Melonseed Skiff.

A picnic and awards ceremony was held on Four Tree Island, where director Rich Clyborne thanked competitors and sponsors for supporting the non-profit Gundalow Company’s mission to “protect the Piscataqua Region’s maritime heritage and environment.” He announced the race was dedicated to its founder and stalwart competitor, Charles Lassen, and would hopefully be held next year in conjunction with the much larger Piscataqua Riverfest in early June.

1st Rowers, Short Course and Line Honors Bruce Folz, Megan, Arthur, and Ann Glenn
1st Rower, Long Course Catherine Saarela
1st Kayak, Long course Jock Dyer
2nd Kayak, Long course Paul Pelletier
1st Double Kayak, Short Course Dana Mills
1st Kayak, short course Jocelyn Hawe
2nd Kayak, short course Jim Sutter
1st paddleboard, short course Peter Shactman
1st Sail Charlie Doane and Clare O’Brien

The Tenth Annual Round Island Regatta took place on Saturday August 15, 2020

Saturday was a cool, gray and breezy morning at the Peirce Island boat ramp for the Gundalow Company’s tenth annual Round Island Regatta. With so many other festivals and events canceled this year the paddlers, rowers, and sailors seemed especially glad to be able to get on the water in a safe way for exercise and fun. The tightest competition was on the “Lady Isle” course, starting near the boat ramp and circling both Round Island and Lady Isle before returning under the 1B bridge for a total of 2.1 miles. Nick Brown (one of the builders of the Gundalow “Piscataqua” back in 2011) was first across the line on a paddleboard, followed closely by Jeff Ouellette (who had beaten Nick the year before). Jock Dyer won the kayak class and was third overall. Richard Wills was the first rower in his wooden Swampscott Dory, followed by a double kayak, peapod, and others. Dave Carlson won the paddle class for the shorter “Round Island” course, while his three children and several friends competed in the kids kayak class and in a three-person rowing dory. Meanwhile, the sailors did three loops around Round Island in the gusty NE breeze, and repeat competitor Stan Boduch took first prize in his Merry Mac dinghy.

Prizes were awarded, although without a picnic or larger festival this year. The Gundalow Company would like to thank sponsors Hamilton Marine, ReVision Energy, and Seven Rivers Paddling for their support, along with all of the competitors.

Nick Brown
First Paddleboard and line honors, Lady Isle Course
Jeff Ouellette
2nd Paddleboard, Lady Isle Course
Jock Dyer
First Kayak, 3rd across, Lady Isle Course
Drew Craig
4th, Lady Isle Course
Lisa Cote
2nd Kayak, Lady Isle Course
Mary Sheehan
G White
Rebecca Johnson
Jake Winebaum
Jen Wakefield
Chris Carragher Best Costume
Karen Ricker
Heather Newell
Gregory Soghikian
Richard Wills
First rower, Lady Isle Course
Chris Snow
Second rower, Lady Isle Course
Rachel and Sam Wakefield
First double, Lady Isle Course
Joan Beskenis and Alan Bing
Second double, Lady Isle Course
Stanley Boduch First Sailboat
Lokys Saffo Second Sailboat
Mark Houle, Aidan H
Hadley C
First youth kayak class
Hannah W
Bronwyn W
Finley C, Hartley K, Freja C
First kids rowboat
Dave Carlson
First kayak, Round Island course
Pamela Stuppy
Bruce Lindsay

The Gundalow Company’s ninth annual Round Island Regatta took place on June 1st, 2019.

With beautiful weather we had a fantastic turn out of around 90 competitors.  There were 20 sailboats, 33 paddlers, 18 rowers (in singles and doubles), seven in the kids kayak race, five radio-controlled sailboats, and 16 younger kids floating their gundalow models in the “Great Little Gundalow Derby”.  This year’s race was followed by food, drink, and awards at the inaugural  see Piscataqua Riverfest and Boat Show on the grounds of Strawbery Banke Museum.  All proceeds and sponsorships support the Gundalow Company’s mission to “protect the Piscataqua Region’s Maritime Heritage and Environment through Education and Action.”

Class Place Winners Name
Melonseed 1st Roger Crawford
2nd Deborah Lenahan
Merry Mac 1st Tom Page
2nd Mark Houle and Aidan Whalen
Sail Class 1st/ 5th overall Lokys Saffo Eastport Pram
Youth Paddle 1st Hadley C
2nd Hannah W
3rd Ainsley M
RIR Paddle 1st Chuck Wolfe Kayak
2nd Holly Wolfe Kayak
RIR Two Person Oar 1st Kent Allyn, Marj Martin Burgard
Alden Appledore
RIR One Person Oar 1st Jack Savage Rowboat
First wheel across 1st Kali Sink Wheelbarrow Boat
LI Sliding seat two person 1st Ray Panek and Michael Lawton Sliding Seat Rowboat
LI Paddle 1st single Kinley Gregg Kayak
LI Paddle 2nd single Jeff Ouellette Paddleboard
LI Paddle 3rd single Nick Brown Paddleboard
LI Fixed Seat Double 1st Steve and Peggy Woll Gunning Dory
Sportsmanship Richard Wills Swampscott Dory
RC Sail 1st Rick Gates Dragonflite 95 RC sailboat
2nd Cliff Martin Dragonflite 95 RC sailboat

The Eighth annual Round Island Regatta took place on Saturday, August 11th, 2018 and was a grand celebration of our waterways and maritime traditions!

Launching from the Peirce Island Boat Ramp, the event kicked off with the “Great Little Gundalow Derby” in which kids raced 6 inch boat models with the tide.  High drama in the model fleet included capsizes, turtling, and a de-masting, but of course without injury.  The sailing fleet also drifted with the tide, unfortunately, and so paddlers and rowers got going while sailors waited for the wind.  Youth paddlers and rowers circled Round Island once, and then it was two laps for the adults in two person wherries, kayaks, paddleboards, one canoe and one wheelbarrow-boat.  Finally, with hardly a breath of breeze the sailors were sent off for a “no rules” circuit of the island, paddling and sculling their Merry Macs, Prams, Melonseeds, Cape Dorys and Catboats to the finish.

The heavier rain held off until after the picnic on Four Tree island, where executive director Rich Clyborne and Captain Matt Glenn thanked the racers and handed out awards.

Proceeds from the race help support the Gundalow Company’s award-winning education and camp programs. 2018 Awards


  1. Mark Peters and Dan O’Reilly
  2. Kent Allyn and Ann Whitney
  3. Molly & Jeff Bolster

Single Paddle

  1. Evan Sideris (second in 2017)
  2. James Eldridge
  3. Steve McGrath

Sailors (no wind, paddling edition)

  1. Keith Pratt and crew in a MerryMac
  2. Scott Braseth, Scott & Kerry Bridge in a Beetle Cat
  3. Rachel& Per Lorentzen in a Banshee (first in 2017)

Sportsmanship: Mark Wallner and Elle Walsh

Best Costume: Walt & Mary Hoerman dressed in Star Trek costumes

Most Handsome Boat: Charles Lassen

Best Single-handed Spinnaker: Charles Lassen

Kids single paddle:

  1. Gabe W.
  2. Charlie E.
  3. Charlie R.

Kids Multi-paddle:

  1. Hadley and Finley C.

Great Little Gundalow Derby:

  1. Arthur G.

2024 Round Island Regatta Sponsors

Sooky Lassen

John & Lee Lamson

Contact Us

Gundalow Company
60 Marcy Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801
(603) 433-9505
Directions | Email Us

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